Tutukaka Coast Badminton Club (Casual)
The key word is ‘casual’. For one thing, there are no winners and losers, simply because we don’t keep the score. Furthermore, there is no age limit. Most, but by no means all, of us are retired, so it may be a case of Grey Power on the move! A smattering of participants have played badminton seriously in the past, and are generous with their advice on rules and technique.
We meet in the Ngunguru Sports & Recreation Club before 9.15 Monday and Friday mornings. The draw is set at 9.25, so you’ll have time for a quick warm-up before a 9.30 start. The draw puts twelve players on three courts, two opposing pairs on each. When the siren sounds after ten minutes, the players retire, and the draw scrambles the players into new partnerships for the next ten-minute round. Everyone gets as many turns as participant numbers allow. After about 40 minutes we stop for a morning tea break and a chat, before taking to the courts again until 11 o’clock. Then we pack up and some of us drift into the nearby Salt Air Café to continue to socialise. If you have never played Badminton before, you are welcome to try it out. We’ll even lend you a spare racquet. Bring a dollar to cover the cost of tea, coffee and biscuits. If you subsequently decide that (casual) Badminton is your sport of choice, you’ll need to join the Ngunguru Sports and Recreation Club.
Monday & Friday Sessions:
Heather Pryor – shuttlecock.nsrc@gmail.com – 021 284 7037
Angela Trimmer – thetrimmers@xtra.co.nz – 022 692 9823